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study break

    Gap mens parka, A.P.C. plaid shirt (BF's), Citizens of Humanity jeggings, A.P.C. loafers

    OH MY THESE FINALS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY. I already submitted a final 12 page paper a couple days ago but I still have a final paper and two more exams left. Come Wednesday at 11am I will be FREE FOREVER. This is what I wore to leave the apartment (and dismal Arsenal game, hmph) and walk around for some fresh air + coffee from Ritual. Man it's so nice to be able to walk anywhere.


    Leave it to me to choose the two most unflattering photos of the bunch rofl. I have no idea why I was bending over, maybe I dropped something? I look like I need to poo! Sorry for sounding so vulgar, I'm a little out of it right now. I can't wait for these finals to be over. Oooh, you can kind of see my new ring in the next photo. Brent bought me that Mociun ring that I'd been wanting for my birthday. He even remembered that I wanted it in silver and not gold, hah.


    Oh and since the fall colors match with this post, I'll post this video that I made when I was procrastinating yesterday. It's not really eventful, just nice music (Shugo Tokumaru's Tracking Elevator, I highly recommend it) with little clips that I filmed when I was on a train from Portland to Seattle a couple months ago.

    portland to seattle from Annabel Ly on Vimeo.