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    floral dress c/o Yo Vintage, Rachel Comey boots, vintage Coach bag, Karen Walker sunglasses c/o Need Supply

    Quick post before I meet some friends for happy hour. Spend most of this 4th of July weekend outdoors with different sets of friends taking advantage of the fantastic weather. I live two blocks away from Alamo Square but most of my friends live in the Mission so we usually hang out at Dolores Park. For once it actually feels like it's July in this damn city. We even squeezed in a trip to the beach on Sunday but I'm saving that one for another post!


    If it were actually hot instead of just warm I would not have been able to get away with wearing this dress (in my favorite color!) buttoned all the way up but thankfully it doesn't get that hot around here save maybe two or three random days scattered throughout the year. Seriously, this weather is IDEAL. This has been one of my best Bay Area summers ever and we're not even halfway through it.

    "Only You" - Savage